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Long Panel Van
Proace GX Icy White (EPR), frame 3 Proace GX Icy White (EPR), frame 3
Icy White (EPR)
  • Total (EXCLUDES delivery, related charges, selected locally-fitted Accessories or Packs)
  • €52,505
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Proace, Long Panel Van

Electric Motor 100 kW (75 kWh Battery)
Automatic (2WD)
Retail Price
Icy White (EPR)
Dark Grey (CMFT)
16" steel wheels with wheel caps (5-triple-spoke)
Total (EXCLUDES delivery, related charges, selected locally-fitted Accessories or Packs)
Summary and save

POST /dxp-proxy/v1/BuildAndBuy/ie/en?path=customize/456305c2-361e-4c72-beac-1a1abbdad15d/0992372c-0e19-47f6-a6d3-9e48b54fca4c&c=6db1c2bf-4b7f-47e4-980f-7c5996733b36

Proace Electric retail price includes SEAI grant of €3,800 which is available for business and public entities, subject to approval (See https://www.seai.ie for further details on Electric Vehicle Grants). Excludes delivery & related charges.